
Egg Hunts

Posted by D3n3coop

What are Christians willing to give up for our faith?  Why not easter egg hunts?  Eggs hunts don’t point to Christ and are in competition with the truth about Christ’s death and resurrection.  Egg hunts and chocolate bunnies clash with the validity and the point in time when Christ provided salvation for humankind.

Currently many churches promote easter egg hunts in addition to scripture.  Some even have events on church property.  Too many churches have become a major promoter of this fantasy.  Children have a better relationship with a rabbit than with what the Passover fulfills.

We are addicted to sugar and lies. During the most important and sacred time of year, we refuse to put pagan traditions aside. Parents introduce their children early to the lie.  The allure pairs chocolate eggs and other sweet offerings with its fun.  It’s innocent.  Churches enable the habit-forming behavior by sponsoring egg hunts.


Acts 12:4 describes King Herod Agrippa decision to lynch the disciple, Peter, after Easter. Herod killed the disciple James earlier. This pleased Jewish politicians who were against the Christian movement. Certain Jews did not want the power of Christ as the Messiah to flourish. Neither did the Roman government. To have everyone’s full attention, Peter’s execution was to take place after the Jewish Passover and Easter. The Passover coincided with other pagan and Roman festivals of spring. Gods of futility and rebirth are being worshiped at the same time Jewish people held festivals celebrating their deliverance from Egypt and the Passover (Book of Exodus). It’s reasonable to see why Easter versus Passover was used in this passage of Acts.  The word Easter and its pagan activities have become mainstream tradition because many think, it’s just fun.  But is it?  Early in the movement, Christ followers were taught to focus on the Love of Christ and the power in His sacrifice.   Jesus loves mankind so much that He descended to earth.  His task of grace was completed during the Passover.

As Christians are willing to detox from the eggs, bunnies, candy, and the lie?  Jesus cleared the temple of unholy acts in scared places.  (John 2:13-19, Matthew 12).  Christians are “the Church” and the building is a place where Christ is to be magnified.  Is our faith and commitment strong enough to spotlight, only, Christ?  Christ love reigns supreme during the Passover and beyond into eternity.  This, His purpose for mankind to celebrate and worship.

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  1. Garry


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