
To produce, publish, perform, and provide music ministry and other creative works surrounding the testimony of Jesus Christ to the world.

Our mission statement says it all. We could compile data telling about the length of time we’ve been playing an instrument or writing music, but is about what is happening right now, in the present.

Presently, the goal and our duty are to glorify God with our creative gifts and talents. Talent given by our heavenly father to bless, encourage, and deliver the “good news”.

Stained Glass Ministries’ logo uses the inspiration of the Ichthys (Jesus fish) and the eye. The lamp of the body is the eye, Matthew 6:22,23. The center of the logo represents the iris of the eye. The iris is taken from a picture shot while in France of a circular stained glass windows found at the Norte Dame Cathedral.

Stained Glass is traditionally used to show an expression of faith; thus the brand and name for our ministry.