Music Videos

The goal for the song “When My Friend is in Need” is for the song to be released in several genres.  That is, in the styles of gospel, country, reggae, jazz, or with a hip hop flavor. Therefore, the music and lyrics will be provided to those who want to work on creating their unique arrangement.

If you decide to work using this material, Stained Glass Ministries will maintain the right to the copyrights and will share in the benefit(s) from subsequent arrangements. You must agree to allow your arrangement to be posted and used by Stained Glass Ministries. Stained Glass Ministries will license the song and assign rights.  You may not without the knowledge or consent film, tape and or/photograph, record, exhibit, edit, publish, and otherwise use the appearance, name, likeness, music compositions, records, voice, singing voice, conversation, sound or biographical date on or in connection with any other programming, musical recording, song, lyrics, sheet music, CD, TV, cable downloadable audio file or any other promotion or exploitation thereof in any manner.

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