Christian opinion

Unity Gone Awry

Posted by D3n3coop

Have you ever experienced being UNITED but not in UNITY? Because these words are so close lets review the definition.

Unity – the state of being one; oneness a whole or totality as in the combination of all its parts; absent from diversity, unvaried, harmony, in agreement

United – to join, to have a common opinion, adhesion, pieces of a unit; a state of mutual sympathy.

The difference is one can join and be united in a cause or for a specific reason versus being in unity where every component is the same, functioning with the same mindset, goal, and outcome. Unity gone awry is tricky. When people feel so strongly about something they join together for the cause. If everybody is doing it, it must be right. Right? Wrong, often people join together against leadership or for greed or for a number of misguided reasons. These bonds have caused widespread devastation. Churches have split, households have been demolished, civil war has erupted, and countries and nations have fallen. You may have experienced or be going through some unholy form of being united at this moment. May you be sensitive to the Holy Spirit to help, guide, protect and correct as you continue to read.

United but not in Unity: three examples from the Bible

Genesis 3: 1-24

Adam and Eve is the ultimate example of being united and in unity. At one time they were one –before God took a rib from Adam. Adam and Eve walked in Unity with God – face to face. God gave them life and with that life they had complete integrity. Their emotions and passion was controlled by intellect and their relationship with God. They didn’t have any psychological problems; no compulsions no shame, or any guilt. God gave them free will. Adam and Eve enjoyed an intimate union with God who lived with them visibly. God gave them a promise of immortality so they could enjoy life with Him forever.

But Satan got between them and their relationship with God. His tool was to unite them with temptation and disobedience. We read the account. Eve was first to be tempted, Adam join in. They ate the forbidden fruit and together disobeyed Gods leadership and instruction.

Adam and Eve lost all of their supernatural gifts because of this. This is the gravest exampled of being UNITED but not in UNITY with God. The relationship for all mankind has been disrupted.

Lucifer the foe to mankind was jealous of the relationship that Adam and Eve had with God. This act was a continuation of the rebelliousness against God. He was and still is angry because he is separated from God. Kicked out of heaven, and united one-third of the heavenly host to fall with him.

Genesis 11-9:

Babel means the Gate of God. This city has been identified as in the land of Shinar part of the kingdom of Babylon founded by Nimrod–current day Iran. This event took place after Noah approximately 2,300 years BC. It was a time when the whole earth spoke the same language. The people in this city were united in their thought and decision. They built a structure and tower to prepare them in the event that God sent another flood. The people in Babel did not trust God to keep his covenant. God stated that he would not destroy the world by flood again and sent a rainbow to remind us of this.

The citizens of Babel united in defiance against God and his authority and were united in distrust. They were out of unity with the most high God.

God looked down at what they were doing, one people, one language and one mind set. A good example of Unity, He had to fix that and he garbled their speech and caused confusion. What was once a united force became unraveled, confused, scattered and separated.

Families who spoke the same language moved and formed their own regions. A city that once had its entire people united for a common cause showed that they could get the job done; however they were out of the will of God. Unity gone awry. What are some current day examples of how people unite for a common cause but have abandoned being in unity with our heavenly father? We only have to look at political views or the move to be politically correct. Some of these practices are helping Christians to be less sensitive and more tolerant toward sin.

Just think how life would be if the people of this United State of America stood united for one single cause. For example with marriage, what changes would we see if husbands and wives were committed to remain in love and honor their union. What would like be like if they worked out all differences and stay with one another unto death? The number of broken families due to divorce would plummet. A wonderful side effect would be the reduction in juvenile delinquency, abortions, jails, welfare and poverty, sexually transmitted disease, and the list goes on. I’m sure you can add to the list. Ironically the next example is about a married couple united in deceit. So while the last paragraph asks what if we could honor the marriage covenant, we will see that our foe is relentless in ways to attack.

Acts 5:1-10

Luke speaks about a time and incident after Christ had been crucified, after the Pentecost and the descent of the Holy Spirit.

The place was Jerusalem and the disciples were forming a new church in Jerusalem for converted Christians. The new Christians were filled with the Holy Spirit they had experienced miracles first hand and they were one in mind and heart. People were compelled to give freely to support the new church. Many sold their property and gave everything that they had to a common fund.

But Annanis and Sapphria, husband and wife decided that they would hold back a portion of their money on some property they had sold. They were united in greed and deceit. They wanted to enjoy the fame and recognition of giving but they did not LOVE the “whole” enough to put their all into the Christian movement. Annanis and Sapphria wanted to keep their riches in secret. Think about it. This was so sad because giving was a voluntary effort. There was no pressure. Hmmm, just like in current time with the tithe and giving. We really are free to give and there should be no pressure. It should be with a cheerful heart and a sprit free of duress. But, let’s not get off target.

God judged this married couple publicly. They dropped dead, both of them. God did not allow sin to enter the perfect testimony of the people who loved and was willing to follow Jesus. He did not allow the duo united in deceit to enter in with the unity of the early Christians.

These are just a few example of how a people became united but were outside of God’s will. Now, let’s make it personal. What happens when there is no one to join up with? Is it possible that a person can be out of order alone? Yes, it’s called internal conflict. And internal conflict is a crazy thing. Have you every heard people say, “ my first mind told me to do this or that and I didn’t listen or my intuition was yelling no, and don’t do it.”

Internal conflict flares up when we allow peer pressure to flare up and dictate our action. We go along with the crowd just to fit it. How about when we ignore our health and well being by exposing our bodies to inappropiate things such as food, drugs, alcohol or pornography.

The list is long with behavior or emotions that cause internal conflict. Most of us have felt, participated in, or been overcome by: temptation, disobedience, jealously, rebellion, defiance, pride, distrust, need for fame, greed, ego and reputation, secrets, resentment and unforgiveness to name a few. I don’t think anyone has been able to completely escape some area of internal conflict.

I feel the ultimate discord is when we don’t accept all that Christ has in store for us. He was despised and ridiculed and killed to resolve any incompatibility we have with going before the heavenly Father. Christ is the one that removed the waste and sins of mankind to unite us in with LOVE. He is our advocate. The one who has made it right. He is the Way the truth and the light.

The ONE who has WON us back into the fold of unity united. ****Information for this article derived from reading various bible versions and their associated commentaries. dmrc

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  1. D3n3coop

    Thank you for a wonderful site upgrade

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