
The Pew

Posted by D3n3coop

I’m guilty, and most of you are probably guilty. Can you imagine this?
Being found guilty and we haven’t been to trial or before a jury.

Many of us have all been exposed to and partakers in this crime. Yes, this activity should be categorized as criminal because it is potentially injurious to the general population.

Without thought this activity goes unchecked. It could be compared to something plague-like. However, it worst than a plague. You see a plague is a physical attack brought on by bacteria. And the onset of a plague can result in sickness, then death. As morbid as it sounds, at least with death, there is some finalization –the end. But this menace doesn’t die. It lives on and on and is recycled generation after generation. There is no getting around it. The tactics of this foe are divisive, subtle and some tactics are cruel. We participate in them without regard and recognition. Strategies hide behind denominationalism, ritualism and even patriotism.

Whatever the tactic we all suffer. What are we going to do? Better yet what would you do? Let’s start by being aware of the situation. The situation is segregation in our church. We don’t typically share the pew during worship with people that are different from us. Come on; let’s admit it for what it is? It is a form of racism that is widespread in the houses of God.

Next time when you are in fellowship at your respective church, look around. Is the church diverse? Does the congregation consist of people that are different in culture? Let’s venture a little further and investigate if our churches might support racism, prejudice or discrimination unknowing. Let’s explore the distinctions:

racism is the belief that one’s race, culture or religion is superior and therefore it should rule and have the say-so over others.

prejudice is holding unfavorable and negative unreasonable preconceived judgment

discrimination is to act on prejudice and/or racism.

These distinctions are all evil and intertwined and here’s the irony. Those of us who follow the Christian faith read and use the same book in our services. It is the holy bible. Yes, there may be different versions but the foundation is the same.

This article may be taking a hard stance about who we share a pew with during worship. It is written to cause examination between Christian people and how we treat others specifically within the Christian faith. Are we letting the evil one keep the body of Christ divided and weak?

Racism, especially in the church, has many deceived. Deceived about our relationship with Christ, and our interaction with other Christians. Satan is very proud that he keeps the children of the most high God divided. Our enemy knows that the Holy Spirit cannot move effectively among God’s people due to division caused by racism, prejudice, and discrimination. How is it that we read and use the same book, no matter the version, quote the same scriptures, but our pews are mostly segregated?

Thankfully our God has this covered as we look to the word. The following scripture has been taken from three different versions.

Revelation 5:9-10

King James

And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And has made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

New Living Translation

And they sang a new song with these words:

You are worthy to take the scroll

And break its seals and open it.

For you were slaughtered, and your blood has ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nations.,

And you have caused them to become a Kingdom of priests for our God.

And they will reign on the earth.

The Message //Remix

Worthy! Take the scroll, open its seals.

Slain! Paying in blood, you bought men and women,

Bought them back from all over the earth,

Bought them back for God.

Then you make them a Kingdom, Priests for our God,

Priest-kings to rule over the earth.

In conclusion, next time we take our seat on the pew, let’s look around and ponder what power will go forth when all of us are standing shoulder to shoulder worshiping with King Jesus in honor and pure praise.

Every conceivable race, color, tongue, tribe, family, gender will reign together. We all have the blessings of Abraham. He is the father of many nations. People from every nation are praising God before his throne. God’s message of salvation and eternal life is not limited to a specific culture, race or country. Anyone who comes to God in repentance and faith is accepted by him and will be part of his Kingdom. Don’t allow prejudice or bias to keep you from sharing Christ with others. ****Information for this article derived from reading various bible versions and their associated commentaries. dmrc

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