Christian opinion

Stained Glass Ministries Origin

Posted by D3n3coop

The origins of making stained glass are lost. However, this article will share the thought process behind using this for our ministry. Glass is formed using three main properties: gas, liquid, and solids. (Three properties, principles or personalities point to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.) Glass is actually a super cooled liquid an amorphous solid. Glass is able to capture light and transmit light. (We have a choice to accept Christ and share the good news to others). Quartz or silica sand is used in the making of glass. It is transformed by fire at high temperatures to make glass. Minerals, salts and other oxides are added to the mixture. These chemicals capture the spectrums of light with the glass, thus allowing the human eye to see various colors.

Jesus Christ is the Light of the world. Man is made of clay, and dirt Under the right conditions, like sand, and by choice man can be transformed into someone that allows the light to grow from within. If there is not light within us, then no one else will be able to see the beautiful colors that make all of us unique to our specific ministries. *****Information for this article derived from reading various bible versions and associated their commentaries. dmrc

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1 Comment

  1. dana rogers cooper

    very interesting

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